
שבט מיהודה

79.00 349.00 

Rabbi Yehuda Lavi Ben David’s masterpiece Shevet MiYehuda.


Available for the first time in hardcover, Rabbi Yehuda Lavi Ben David’s masterpiece Shevet MiYehuda. Rabbi Ben David has a unique ability to research and present topics that are overlooked, but basic to our faith.

Chose the volume you want or save when you order all 5!

.למזמינים בארץ, יש לשים לב שמוצר זה נשלח מחו”ל ורק לנקודת איסוף

א: In this volume he researches over 40 topics, including the minhag of not sleeping on Rosh Hashana, the work Kitzur HaShla and the phrase “Who raised us above all tongues.” 384 pages.

ב: In this volume he researches over 100 topics, including a comprehensive analysis of the idea of repeating something 90 times, the number of verses/words/letters in the Torah, who the “70 Nations” are and research on the classic work “Shem HaGedolim.” 496 pages.

ג: In this volume he thoroughly researches 17 topics, including changing the text of Pesukim for contextual need reciting the Shehechiyanu Blessing a second time, and an analysis of the sections of TaNaKH written as alphabetic acrostics. 480 pages.

ד: In this volume he thoroughly researches 7 topics, including an extensive analysis of the prohibition of eating blood, the location of the 5 areas a male isn’t allowed to shave and the glosses of R’ Yoel Sirkes, The BaCH. 368 pages.

ה: In this volume he presents a stunningly comprehensive analysis of all locations where we say a Word or Pasuk multiple times in a row. 426 pages.

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